The Wongery

April 2, 2013: What Is Real?

Okay, I thought I should say a few words about yesterday's "Reality Check" post. Yes, yesterday was April Fools' Day, the day when you can't believe everything you read on the internet. (Well... more so than usual.) Nevertheless, almost everything in yesterday's blog post was true.

Yeah, we really are, of course, way behind on both the articles for the Central Wongery and for the World of the Week. We really aren't getting any visitors to the site. Oh, and the whole part about the spammers... that was completely true, too.

There is, however, one thing we mentioned in yesterday's post that may not have been entirely true. That being the part about our giving up.

Sure, we're way behind where we'd hoped to be by now. Sure, it looks unrealistic to expect that we're ever going to get caught up. Sure, maybe we have bitten off way more than we can chew. But we're going to keep right on with our attempted mastication.

The site's not going away. Not in December, not in the foreseeable future. And it's not dead. As a matter of fact, we plan to get another Central Wongery article up tonight, and a new World of the Week (finally) tomorrow. (And we still intend to get caught up with those Worlds of the Week soon... maybe by the end of April?)

So apparently we did put up an April Fools' joke that nobody but us would see after all.

Wow. That was pointless.

It wasn't even a good April Fool's joke.