The Wongery


The Wongery is a website dedicated to the dissemination of (fictional) information about diverse (imaginary) worlds. The core of the site is the Central Wongery, a wiki containing articles written by the administrators of the site (the "Grandmaster Wongers"), covering a variety of different worlds and some general topics not pertaining to any world in particular. There's also a Public Wongery where users can post about worlds of their own creation, and a forum for discussion of the worlds described on the Wongery, fictional worlds, worldbuilding, and related topics.

There are many other features planned for future implemention as well. The only one currently up is the World of the Week, a feature highlighting a fictional world not created by or associated with the Wongery that we think deserves more attention. Some other features that will eventually be added are described in the introductory newspost.

The Wongery is right now still very much a work in progress. Well, it's always going to be a work in progress—we plan to keep adding to it as long as we can. But right now, it's still in its very early state. The Central Wongery is loaded with redlinks; the Public Wongery is empty; there's a lot of cosmetic work to be done; there are many features yet to be implemented. But we're working on it, and we hope you'll bear with us as we build this site into what we envision.

Welcome to the Wongery, and we hope you enjoy your visit!